Discover with Ibiza-Secrets this peculiar islet situated in the North of Ibiza.

located at the north-eastern tip of the island of Ibiza. The most probable
etymology of its name is ‘rock of Magon’, in reference to Magon Barca, a
Carthaginian general who was the brother of Hannibal. In the Muslim era it was
known as Taj Umayu. It is 1,525 m long and 113 m wide.
This is a rocky
island, with a port to in the west and a lighthouse on the south-eastern tip.
The lighthouse was built in 1913, and is a reference point on the naval routes
from Ibiza to Palma and Barcelona. It stands 86.3 m above sea level, and is
20.4 m high.
The island is private property, except for the maritime-terrestrial zone which
is public. As a result of its ornithological value, Tagomago was catalogued as
a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA). The highlight in ornithological
terms is the presence of an important colony of The Balearicsshearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), the only bird species
endemic to the Balearics. The colonial nesting of Eleonora’s falcons (Falco
eleonorae) is also remarkable, as well as other birds of prey such as the
peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus).
With regard to mammals, we can only cite the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
truncatus). And in the realm of reptiles, there is an important presence of an
endemic sub-species of lizard, the Podarcis pityusensis tagomagensis, and also
the Caretta caretta turtle in the maritime zone.
Outstanding from amongst the plants is a high number of species endemic to the
Balearic or the Pitiusa Islands, such as the calabruix (Aetheorhiza bulbosa
subs. willkomii), the margalideta (Bellium bellidioides) and the tem bord
(Micromeria microphylla).
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