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The Balearic Islands are boarding the train of innovation with the setting in motion of the I Fòrum d’innovació empresarial (1st Forum of Business Innovation) in which Ibiza-Click and TvClick will be present with the company ILLES, COMUNICACIÓ I INNOVACIÓ. The Forum starts on Wednesday 17th December and goes through until Thursday 18th December and will hold debates, workshops and conferences to foment business innovation. The event is backed by the IDI (Business Development Institute) of the Govern Balear and is being held in the Complejo Riskal in Palma de Majorca
The attendance of the councillor of Commerce, Industry and Energy of the Govern, Francesca Vives i Amer is expected at the event, as well as various different experts such as Xavier Sala i Martí, Agustín Lerma or Luigi Valdés. All present will also be able to take part in the Speed Nertworking session, an innovative fast-contact making activity through which the participants manage to establish, in a short period of time, a considerable number of commercial contacts in an agile, fun and very effective way.
The FÒRUM D’INNOVACIÓ EMPRESARIAL hopes to become a reference event for Balearic businesses and a meeting place for all who attend with representatives of the business and economic worlds. There will be 15 major presentations of national and international prestige which are on themes that ILLES, comunicació i innovació have been developing since the very beginning, such as Web 2.0, human relations, creativity, specific financing for innovation or efficient energy.
Riskal Complex
C/ Antònia Martínez Fiol, 1
07010 Palma de Mallorca
The FÒRUM D’INNOVACIÓ EMPRESARIAL hopes to become a reference event for Balearic businesses and a meeting place for all who attend with representatives of the business and economic worlds. There will be 15 major presentations of national and international prestige which are on themes that ILLES, comunicació i innovació have been developing since the very beginning, such as Web 2.0, human relations, creativity, specific financing for innovation or efficient energy.
Riskal Complex
C/ Antònia Martínez Fiol, 1
07010 Palma de Mallorca